We will be in session on Friday, February 21, and we will only be running two buses. Susan and Brad will be driving Holly's route. There may be delays getting students to school and home from school.
about 13 hours ago, Tammy Beckham
Due to road conditions and the forecast for more snow, Spring Garden will take a Traditional Snow Day on Wednesday, Feb 19. (No student work) Enjoy your day off and stay safe and warm!
1 day ago, Tammy Beckham
After driving some roads this evening, it has been decided that due to poor road conditions and bitterly cold wind chills forecasted for tomorrow morning, Spring Garden will take a Traditional Snow Day on Thursday, Feb 20. (No student work) Enjoy your day off and stay safe and warm!
1 day ago, Tammy Beckham
We wanted to inform you that we had to evacuate the Elementary School this morning due to fire alarms being triggered by smoke in the boiler room. The students were relocated to the bus barn to stay out of the cold and then moved to buses to stay warm while the fire department investigated the boiler. Once they gave the all-clear, the situation was resolved. Both the students and staff handled the situation excellently today!
8 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Friday, February 14, we will be running two buses. Brad and Susan will be driving Holly's route. There may be delays getting students to school and home from school. Friday is also an 11:15 dismissal day and we have House Group, so all students will be dismissed from the Elementary School beginning at 11:00 for car riders and bus riders shortly thereafter.
9 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Good luck to Elijah and Afton!! They are competing in the Spelling Bee this evening at Casey Middle School at 6:00pm. We all are rooting for them!!
9 days ago, Brooke Williams
Spelling Bee
Today Mrs. Reiter's 3rd grade read their story of the week, “The Albertosaurus Mystery”. They then had the opportunity to “excavate” dinosaur egg fossils! 🦕🦖
13 days ago, Brooke Williams
Today in Mrs. Thomson's 2nd grade the kids transformed the classroom into a Snow Globe! They made snow play dough, learned about states of matter, and created snow globe comics!
13 days ago, Brooke Williams
On Thursday, February 6, for only the afternoon route and on Friday, Feb 7, for both the morning and afternoon routes we will be running two buses. Susan and Holly will be driving Brad's route. There may be delays getting students to school and home from school.
16 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Next week, Student Council will be selling crush soda grams @ the MS!
16 days ago, Brooke Williams
student council
Mrs. Piercy's kindergarten got to take home 2 free books for the month of January thanks to our book donors in the community!
17 days ago, Brooke Williams
free books
Congratulations to Mrs. Piercy! She was awarded a teacher grant from the Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the United Way of South Central Illinois. She is going to use the grant to purchase books and supplies needed for SEL lessons and activities in her Kindergarten classes. Way to go, very much deserved!
17 days ago, Brooke Williams
Mrs. Piercy
Order your yearbooks now!!
17 days ago, Brooke Williams
Tomorrow, Tuesday, February 4, we will be running two buses. Brad and Holly will be driving Susan's route. There may be delays getting students to school and home from school.
18 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Tomorrow, Monday, February 3, we will be running two buses. Brad and Holly will be driving Susan's route. There may be delays getting students to school and home from school.
19 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Earlier in the month, Mrs. Piercy's kindergarten made New Year’s resolutions, made new years toast, and toasted to the new year!!
21 days ago, Brooke Williams
New Year Party
New Year party
New Year party
New Year party
New Year party
Spring Garden ES and MS Super Bowl Spirit Week!!!
22 days ago, Brooke Williams
spirit week
Way to go Cloe, Isabelle, Marlowe, and Shelby! They placed 6th in the 7th/8th Brain Games @ Rend Lake. They will advance to the next competition in March! We are so proud of you all!
22 days ago, Brooke Williams
Cloe, Isabelle, Marlowe and Shelby
Cloe, Isabelle, Marlowe and Shelby
Marlowe, Shelby, Isabelle and Cloe
Congratulations to Lynnex, Afton, Cooper, and Honor for advancing to the next Brain Games in March! They placed 5th in the 5th/6th competition. Way to go, we are all proud of you!
23 days ago, Brooke Williams
Honor, Afton, Cooper and Lynnex
Afton, Lynnex, Honor and Cooper
Afton, Lynnex, Cooper and Honor
Congratulations to the 2nd Quarter Honor Roll students!!
23 days ago, Tammy Beckham
Honor Roll