Just a reminder that tomorrow and Wednesday we will only have two buses running so Holly will run Brad's route first and then run her route, so her route will be running later than usual. Ms. Gentry will run her normal route.
about 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Next week is going to be a busy week at Spring Garden Grade School. On Monday, Santa's Cottage will be open all day at both buildings and for a short time Tuesday morning for anyone who forgets to bring money on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday next week we will be running only two bus routes once again like we have in the past. IF you know anyone who would be interested being a sub bus driver, please have them call the school. On Wednesday afternoon, we will rehearse for the Christmas Program at the Middle School. So all students will be dismissed from the Middle School. There will be no pick ups at the Elementary Building. Wednesday, December 8, is makeup picture day and sports/club pictures. Thursday is our Christmas Program at 1:30. Remember each family will have 3 tickets. At the conclusion of the program, all students will be dismissed from the Middle School. So once again there will be no pick ups at the Elementary Building. Everyone have a great weekend.
about 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Our "Fundraising While You Shop" Gift Card event is due Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021. If you failed to send yours to school with your child, we will be accepting them tomorrow morning, Thursday, Dec 2, 2021. Thank you for all you do to support our school! Go Hawks!
about 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
Elementary School lunch change for Tuesday, November 30. The menu will be Riblet Sandwich, Green Beans, and Fruit.
about 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Middle School Scholar Bowl practices are Tuesday mornings at 7:45. Middle School Newspaper meets at 7:45 on Thursday mornings. Middle School Student Council meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month from 7:30-8:15 or 3:00-3:45.
about 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
Middle School Menu change for Friday, November 18 Breakfast: Sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit; fruit; milk Lunch: Cheeseburger, chips, carrots with ranch; fruit; milk
over 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
We are happy to announce that all three bus routes will be running beginning this afternoon, Thursday, November 18. Ms. Gentry will run her regular route. Mr. Brad Ryan will run his regular route that he had at the beginning of the year. Ms. Holly Payne will be running Mr. JD's route. Please be aware that your child may arrive home earlier than they have been from Mr. Brad's bus. Please phone the school with any questions. All three routes will run in the morning and from here on out. Thank you for your patience and understanding during the past couple of months.
over 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
Tomorrow, Thursday, November 18, will be the last day of the Book Fair at the elementary building. So if your child is wanting to purchase books, tomorrow will be the last day to do so.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
The Cusumano Thanksgiving box fundraiser order forms and money are due tomorrow at school. The pick up day will be Saturday, November 20.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Good evening. Tomorrow is Veterans Day, so there will be no school. On Friday, Spring Garden will once again be using three bus routes. Therefore, those of you that ride the Bonnie and Ina routes will go back to the original pick up and drop off times from the beginning of the school year when we were operating three bus routes. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding during the last several weeks.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Due to situations out of Spring Garden's control, tonight's girl's basketball game has been cancelled.
over 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
Be sure to come out to the Girls Basketball Game at the middle school at 6:00 for an evening of fun and excitement as we cheer on our Lady Hawks and honor all Veterans. Veterans will receive free admission tonight. Hope to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Tommi Ryan
On Wednesday evening one of our Spring Garden families, the Hohmans, lost their home to a fire. Many of you have reached out to ask how you can help the family. We are going to have a hat day at school tomorrow, Friday, October 1, 2021. The students can bring a monetary donation and wear a hat tomorrow and all of the money raised will be given to the family to help them through this devastating time.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
The Elementary Building will be under a boil water order on Friday, September 3. Water will be available at school if you aren't able to send your child with a bottle of water.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
School Pictures will be Wednesday, September 29. They will also be taking Cross Country, Baseball and Softball pictures on that day.
over 3 years ago, Tammy Beckham
Check out the Baseball schedule https://5il.co/xg2w
over 3 years ago, Spring Garden CCSD 178
Check out the new Softball schedule https://5il.co/xg2x
over 3 years ago, Spring Garden CCSD 178
Welcome Back to School!
over 3 years ago, Spring Garden CCSD 178
Welcome to Spring Garden CCSD 178's new website and mobile app!
over 3 years ago, Spring Garden CCSD 178